The Miss List: #2 ShuttleUM

Walking's for suckers. But then so is car-ownership. I like to think that I'm saving myself a great deal of grief by riding the bus everywhere, and relying on the kind nature of my friends (am I joking, who knows?). In reality, the one time I had close to enough money to buy a car, I spent it all on Italy. Thus, everyday to and from class, ShuttleUM was my option. Now it was often true that the bus went on crazy routes that stopped everywhere before the Courtyards. But it was always nice to know that on my way back from evening classes, I would pass right by the bars, so if it ever got unbareable I could stop in for a shot or two (seven). Plus you never know when you might know the driver, and nothing makes the busride pass faster than exchanging pleasantries. Oh, and the drunk people, they're amusing and sometimes give you hugs. So the bus gets a thumbs-up from me. Which is good because I could never afford gas.

(ShuttleUM - May 2006)

Lucky for me Boulder has a decent bus system that's more or less free for students, so I can continue to nourish my bus-riding habits. But from now on when people ask me why I don't have a car, I think I'll say, "Because I don't fuck the environment, I make love to it."


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