The Miss List: #4 The Co-op Area

I could never quite figure out what this place was really called, but the area just outside the Co-op in Stamp Student Union was, to me, one of the most comfortable places to come when the hike back to Courtyards just wasn't worth it. There were the soft chairs, the familiar faces of students I never talked to, and just upstairs was the food court for whenever I wasn't feeling the line in the Co-op.

(Co-op Area - May 2006)

I spent many an afternoon reading and translating in those chairs, and although the hustle and bustle may have been distracting sometimes, you can't even imagine the shit I could eavesdrop on there.


Blogger Glaukôpis said...

They used to have a Commuters' Lounge that I really liked. But then they remodelled the entire damn Union, and the Commuters' Lounge went the way of Socrates.

I haven't spent much time in the Union since that, though. I guess I was living out of the seminar room instead. ::snerk:: Have ye any pics of that? ;-)

7:11 PM  
Blogger Glaukôpis said...

Responding to your comment. I thought about going back and getting a pic. Certain faculty expect me to pop up this summer, so maybe I shall. And then I'll get a pic of the place where I lived these past couple sems! ::snerk::

11:09 PM  

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