The Miss List: #11 Columbia, MD

I know I said the last entry was indeed the last entry to the Miss List. But naturally I lied. It is quite a daunting task to try and discuss everything I will miss about my hometown, so I'll just touch on the few things that pop into my head. First, Columbia was never lacking scenic areas like the lake pictured below, and I can think of at least four others like it. This particular lake holds many memories for me of the days I spent watching the various waterfowl argue with each other. And then there are countless other reasons that the lake has tremendous sentimental value for me, which I won't go into, and who the hell are you all of sudden to care?

(Wilde Lake - June 2006)

I was born in Columbia and moved once when I was two, from one village to another, so I've really lived there all my life, and even in college it remained my permanent address. So it will be especially interesting when I come back from Colorado to find that my old room has been turned into giant hot-tub, although I already have come back to find drifters living there.

(The Drakos Home - July 2006)

Anyway, I wager some of my best times from high school happened in the Drakos basement. Why just the room at the bottom of the stairs alone holds endless memories. Just listen to the changes it went through over the last decade. Originally it was a room that housed a work bench and my father's model train collection. Then it was torn out by my brother, painted purple and turned into The Swinger's Lounge. Several years later the furniture was switched out, and it was to become my Rumpus Room. But then a used waterbed found it was down there and it became That Room with the Waterbed. Why I remember the time I was kicked out of their so a certain person could have a threesome. Sadly a faulty heater for a waterbed = hypothermia, so it was tossed. Then my brother moved his computer in there, insulated and tiled the walls, only to have the bathroom flooded it forcing it to become the Hazardous Waste Room. It was then more or less the Basement Storage Room until just recently, when my brother moved his computer back in there bringing back what I now like to call The Office.

(The Purple Room - July 2006)

So that about wraps the Miss List up for good. I can imagine Boulder will bring about more things I miss about my home, and I'm sure I'll bore you all with my reminiscing, but now it's time for me to stop looking back and starting figuring out where the hell I should be going. I bet you all can't wait for the official start of The Boulder Chronicles next week. Well, I'm afraid you'll have to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ugh. i jumped into that damn lake so many times.

i wish the new camp had a lake. :(
maybe we can jump in the ODK fountain?

6:32 PM  

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