Encomium on Hair. (Or the lack thereof)

Why did I shave my head?

In my mind I had the choice of growing it out for at least another year, or shaving it all down to an eighth of an inch. In both cases I would be deviating from the hairstyle that I had basically worn since high school. The one exception would be the two weeks a few years ago that I allowed it to be dyed blue, and slowly creep to a horrid greenish-turquoise. This was then followed by a few months of a shoddy brown dye to cover up that green. Other than that -shall we say- experiment, my hair has been the same style, which I have always been fond of since I started brushing it that way in the winter of 11th grade. After nearly six weeks of Drakos the Elder's hair-related criticisms, I'd like to say that I snapped. But that's not entirely the case. I had been "rid" of my brother for close to two weeks when I lopped it off, and although it was probably his relentless looking at my hair, shaking his head in disappointment, which planted those seeds of doubt, it wasn't as if I stared into the mirror, with a sink full of my own hair, mouthing the words "Mange merde, mon frère." Apparently I remember a little french. I would say it's just as likely that I was motivated by Apuleius' goddamn tangent of hair, which I have been reading very thoroughly for a paper I'm writing. He goes on and on about how hair attracts him to women, and then he shaves his head in an act of religious devotion to Isis. So there, I'm redeeming myself in the eyes of the Goddess.

I have no honest answer for you other than that I was looking for a sudden change, and as I've yet to get up the nerve to get a tattoo (I'm not nearly cool enough to), this worked pretty well. Also, now I have an excuse to wear my new hat: so my scalp doesn't get sunburn.

Note: I'm aware that this post isn't really an encomium, I merely use the word to draw connections to a work of the author, whom I kinda threw out there randomly.


Blogger amy said...

i'm shocked

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you were just really hot...
like Pedro in Napolean Dynamite

Also... I do think this was a task that should have been ceremonially performed during daylight shavings time and in the presence of an asian grandfather. I shake my head disapprovingly.

8:14 PM  

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