My Triumphant Return.

So I made it home. Whoopie. After worrying for two solid weeks about being snowed in, I was able to fly back in time for New Years Eve. In retrospect it seems that being stranded during Christmas was a good thing, for I've been able to spend a lot more time here, and by a bizarre chance I was able to be with my Grandmother during what turned out to be her final days.

So... been here a week... and I'm bored. I definitely remember why I had the desire to fly halfway across the country in the first place. Granted it turned out to not be as awesome of an experience as I thought it'd be, being alone in a new town with a job that you hate has its downside. But that's all going to change. Come the 13th I'll be making my real Triumphant Return as my journey begins anew. Cheesy wording indeed, but this time around I actually have people waiting for me to come back to Boulder. At least I like to think I do. The two imaginary friends I've made out there really miss me, as without me they... well, don't exist.

So to kind of wrap things up, alot has happened here in Maryland this past week, but I've been hanging out with most of my readers, there's no real need to go into all of it. Plus, it's the Boulder Chronicles, and I wouldn't want to slip out of my usual format now would I?



Blogger Glaukôpis said...

Hah! Good luck!

9:45 PM  
Blogger Tenth Muse said...

It's good to have imaginary friends. They never talk back. Good luck with classes.

Tenth Muse--voyeur, curious reader, former CU Classics grad student.

8:56 PM  

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