
Today I was able to purchase most of my bedroom furniture for the upcoming move. Lucky for me an Ikea is a little over a five minutes ride my current apartment. As it appears the closest Ikea to Colorado is either in Texas or California, this month will be my last chance to get "affordable Swedish crap." In addition to a desk and dresser, I just had to get a tyft, check it out (in Swedish even!). If the picture/language confuses you allow me to clarify. It's a wall lamp, it has changeable decorative shades, and it was like ten bucks.

(Cutest damn bunny ever)

I realize that picture had no relevance, but merely a link to it would have been a travesty. Anyways, I still need a bed, couch, kitchen table, job, long-term career goal, my own island named Drakosia, my own utopian community (Drakopolis) upon the aforementioned island where Dr. Snugglewhatzit (as I call him) may frolic in peace with his other genetically cutified bunny pals, and finally the ability to make a coherent joke that doesn't involve rambling on about my last name. I'll bet I could find most of that on craigslist (look for my classified: Budding Evil Genius seeks Power-Hungry Dominatrix to Rule the Armies of the Night). Yep, well I think that's just about all I have to say then. Is it wrong that I'm excited about picking out silverware?

And to reassert my masculinity: Riki-oh.


Blogger Glaukôpis said...

Ok, but my Cute Overlord Birdy trumps your Cute Overlord Bunny! ECCE: http://mfrost.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/little_bird_010.jpg

9:47 PM  

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