More on Boulder.

Thanks to Google Maps I now have several reasons to be excited about my new apartment's location. Not only is it close to Pearl Street Mall (also shown in the panorama in Mountains [don't click it.. just scroll]) the main branch of the Boulder Public Library (which I pray will hire me) but I have now found that within a few blocks there is not only a Target (which carries the entirety of my skin care regiment), but (get this) an Old Navy! For anyone who has ever paid close attention to my wardrobe, out of sheer laziness 75% is that particular brand. In my defense I don't do it so I can sport the label, and in recent years I have steered towards buying only the plain shirts (as to maintain the illusion of variety), which tend to be cheaper anyway (i'm not about to pay extra to be associated with the image Old Navy's advertisements create). So it's good news that I can take care of all my shopping sine car. So all and all it seems the furthest thing (though still walkable) is the school itself (of course that hardly matters). It seems the blockage in my writing organ has been cleaned out a bit (I wonder if it was from all that chianti and carbonara).

(Incredibly Accurate Map of Boulder)

As I was browsing Google's image search to find fitting and relevant shots like this, I stumbled upon the Wikipedia entry for Boulder. Some interesting people lived there, so check it out.


Blogger Glaukôpis said...

sine vehiculo!!

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where be the yeti?

6:09 PM  

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